Director, Mani Venkatasubramanian

From the Director

As we wrap up our 50th-anniversary celebrations, all of us at ESIC look back with pride on the wonderful relations and collaborations we have built with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, industry partners, university administrators, and community partners over the years. We look forward to growing our friendship in the coming years. Consistent with our land grant mission, ESIC is here to serve you and society in solving the challenges of the great sustainable energy transition we have all embarked on. You can count on ESIC students, staff, and faculty to help the community in any way we can, and we are here for you. I want to thank all our industry sponsors for supporting our fantastic journey over the past fifty years, and we look forward to celebrating our ESIC community’s continuing success for the next fifty years and beyond. I wish you a restful, productive, and fun-filled summer.

Mani Venkatasubramanian, ESIC Director                                          8.8.2024

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