PI: Anamika Dubey


Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Award Amount: $500,638

Project Period: 02/2020 – 01/2025

Summary: The research goal is to activate the resilience services from DERs during the extreme weather event by addressing the aforementioned challenges that limit the operational capabilities of grid during disruptions. Towards this goal, we propose three closely integrated thrusts:

  • Thrust 1 presents risk-based characterization of HILP events that motivates a novel approach for distribution grid planning with DERs that is driven by HILP events and advanced operations, thereby, addressing challenges C1 and C2;
  • Thrust 2 presents a decision-making framework for DER-driven service restoration and active island formation with consideration to grid’s operational constraints, addressing challenge C3; and (3) Thrust 3 characterizes graph- theoretic proprieties to quantify the impacts of design parameters (such as droop-settings, time- delays, system losses) on the stability of droop-controlled DER energized islands, addressing challenge C4. Such characterization will inform the decision-making unit to design a restoration plan that admits not only operationally feasible but also stable energized islands.
  • Thrust 3 characterizes graph-theoretic proprieties to quantify the impacts of design parameters (such as droop-settings, time-delays, system losses) on the stability of droop-controlled DER energized islands, addressing challenge C4. Such characterization will inform the decision-making unit to design a restoration plan that admits not only operationally feasible but also stable energized islands.