ESIC Power Seminar Series

Every Fall and Spring semester, ESIC brings in both academic and industry members to speak on recent developments within power engineering. This often involves their own research, and keeps our own students up to date on the latest research being done.

Our seminar series is welcome to anyone and can be accessed through TEAMS or in person in EME 26 at WSU Pullman. The seminar takes place every Tuesday of Fall and Spring semester from 1pm to 2pm PST. Information on upcoming seminars is posted here and on LinkedIn. Check back for updates, we hope to see you there!

Can’t make the seminar? All seminars are recorded and posted to our YouTube.

View all seminar recordings on our YouTube and previous seminar information (including a link to the video or slide deck) in our Seminar Archives.

Fall 2024 Power Seminar Series

Join all ESIC and AGI sponsored seminars on Teams the day/time of the seminar. Check back for updates on the upcoming seminar series!

Upcoming Seminar – 15/10/24

The Phasor Measurement Unit explained – Harold Kirkham

Nothing is known about the state of the power system except as the result of a measurement.
It follows that measurements – especially ones that can claim to be scientific – are important.
According to measurement theory, a scientific measurement is one based on a mathematical model
that represents the way we think the universe works. The PMU should be in that category, and
would be the first truly scientific measurement made in the power system. The talk will explore
enough measurement theory – including a refresher on the fundamentals of the sinusoid and the
phasor – to show that the PMU is a simple – and even elegant – measurement. However, the
simplicity of the PMU has been obscured by a series of documentary standards written since 2005.
The talk will also invite students to identify some of the lack of clarity in the thinking behind the
documentary standards.

DateSeminar TitleSpeakerSpeaker Image
Aug 20WelcomeESIC
Aug 27
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
Greetings from Vermont! The Frontier of Grid TransformationDan Kopin
Sept 3
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
Overview of Brushless DC Motors and Control Methods for Torque Ripple ReductionMilad Ebrahimi
Sept 10
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
Reactive Power: The Confusion Explained
Harold Kirkham
Sept 17
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
Model of Inverter-Based Resources for Short Circuit AnalysesMohammad Zadeh
Sept 24
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
The Grid Center for Reliable Electricity Delivery (GridCRED™)Jacob Reidt
Oct 1
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
Recent Advances in Applying Electromagnets to Transmission Line DesignRobert G. Olsen
Oct 8
(Click here to watch the replay on YouTube)
IEEE Guide for Distribution Grid Resilience MetricShikhar Pandey